Sunday, August 14, 2011


Emphasizing employee development is a sure way to create a work environment that is made of employees that are capable of doing their jobs with a greater purpose in mind. Doing so provides employees with the ability to do that which they value and to grow beyond their initial vision for their careers (Laureate, 2011). As a novice to the field of Instructional Design and appropriately using technology to design training material, I would love to have an employee development plan that would allow me to gain more experience in this profession. Below is a development plan that I believe would get me off to a great start in making the above happen.

Interpersonal/Formal Education

Because I am employed by a learning institution, the classes are available for furthering one’s education in a particular field. However, there is a lack of guidance when it comes to trying to figure out the best path to take. As a result, I believe participating in a staff-to-staff mentoring program would be a great way to establish that. I know that there are several great staff mentor-mentee relationships in existence across campus, but I am sure the majority of them are informal. With that said, I think it would be beneficial to not only myself but other new employees to have the option to pair up with an experienced employee to attempt to establish that great, rewarding mentor-mentee partnership that can offer the needed guidance.

Job Experiences

Experience, quite often, appears to be the best teacher. With that said I believe that incorporating, instructional design and the use of technology into my job duties would be a great way to enforce development as well. Our department just adopted a new housing assignment system that interact with the systems of quite a few other University departments and being involved in the training material development process would be a great way to gain experience in the instructional design arena. I believe the fact of having employees from departments involved as learners will not only allow me to develop a great since of what it means to do the job but also for who the job needs to be done for.


When an effort is being made to learn or improve something, I believe that assessment must be included. With my goal to develop as a professional in the ID industry, if the actions/roads that I take to make that happened are not critiqued, I find it hard to be able to get a sense of how well my performance is coming across. With that said, I believe that different forms of assessment must be included in my development plan. Customer, peer, and supervisorial assessment are three forms of assessment that I think will be most beneficial and valuable because they would allow all of the individuals that play a part in my development process to give an evaluation of my progress.

Informal educational opportunities are certainly ways that I see relevant to my development. I think that a person that wants help should first make an effort to help themselves. Informal education is probably the first step taken when beginning to develop a particular skill or concept…one tries to seek out knowledge to help build upon his or her desired skill. I believe that is something I must continue to do in order to stay true to the profession. Time, people, and especially technology these days, change and keeping in the know of how these changes affect the ID field, I feel, will be crucial to my success and contributions to any of my employers.


Laureate Education. (2011). Employee Development [Web media]. Retrieved on August 9, 2011 from

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