Sunday, February 7, 2010

Connectivism: Connections Facilitating Learning

How has your network changed the way you learn?

My network has certainly changed the way I learn. It allows me to tap into information in ways that can present a broader range of knowledge. This is true because I have the opportunity to interact with individuals to exchange thoughts, opinions and ideas on different subjects. My network also allows more convenient ways of learning. For example, having the option to do research within university libraries without having to physically go to one is certainly a change that can be appreciated due to the convenience factor it presents.

Which digital tools best facilitate learning for you?

There are quite a few digital tools that assist me in learning. However, I would have to say that email and online search engines best facilitate learning for me. These two are the most common because I believe they are used the most by the average person.

How do you gain new knowledge when you have questions?

Asking questions is very important part of learning. When I have questions about something that I am trying to learn, I first try to find the answers for myself. This is done through the internet may it be through a Google search or a search through Walden's or USC's online library systems. To me that helps me in learning it. When I take the time to research something, that process or event itself, usually helps me to, in the future, recall or remember what I have learned. However, a lot of the times it depends on what it is I am trying to understand. If it is something I absolutely have no clue about, having the option to personally contact another individual usually helps the most.

In what ways does your personal learning network support or refute the central tenets of connectivism?

My personal learning network definitely supports the concept of connectivism. Within all of my outlets lie a network that allows the use of technology to transfer information between myself and other individuals. I constantly use such technologies as email, listservs, intranets, remote assistance, etc at work to communicate information between myself and co-workers. For purposes related to school, blogs, email, and online libraries are utilized to share and receive information.

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